Safety Underground Garage

This innovative design is an interesting parking solution that is starting to be seen around more affluent London locales. The owner’s car is raised and lowered by means of a hydraulic lift.

The Cardok garage is underground parking solution that doubles your parking space and provides greater security than a locked garage. All Cardok products are built to order, so whilst there are standard design sizes, variations can be accommodated to suit most circumstances. Do you think this solution is 100% safe? For what cars is indicated this garage? For expensive cars or for all, as long as you can afford.

The Cardock is an alternative garage solution targeted at more affluent consumers who seek to save space in their residences, or even to hide one car under garden space. Essentially, it allows users to park two cars using a the space required for one by means of a powerful elevator.

This elevator lowers one car into the ground and thus allows users to park another car over it. The good news is that users do not need to move the car on top to be able to use the one at the bottom. The invention provides for a mechanism that allows users to move the bottom car without moving the top one.

This futuristic invention is already using in several London residences. Eight are currently functional, four are under construction, and ten are being readied for installation.

This double capacity elevator can hold up to 10 tons or 22, 400 lbs of car weight. It costs around $61,181 for a single model and $72,816 for a double one.

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