Apple iMove Car

Creativity and Apple look synonymous to each other. In a techno freak world where the basic focus of every business organization limits within financial benefits, Apple has definitely created an example for others. To be frank, now the world is enjoying the creative tablet devices after getting the taste of iPad from Apple. You must have known about Apple’s plan of presenting the world with iWatches ! No wonder, the company keeps this good work up.

It wouldn’t come with a shock if Apple Inc. one day decides to enter the automobile sector and produce a car that would shake-up the auto industry. Late Steve Jobs had dreamt of creating an iCar, a car which was much needed to change the sad state of car industry in America. But the iCar was just another great idea from the visionary and he had never designed it.

Its features :

  • It would be an electric car.
  • It would carry a touch screen panel instead of the traditional steering wheel.
  • The car body would be covered with transparent materials, so that the driver would get a cabriolet feeling.
  • The photochromic material used for exterior transparent area of the car gives the option of customization so that owners can change the appearance of the car.
  • The roof of the car would be covered with pyramid shaped glass receptors that would charge the car’s electronic dashboard.
  • It would be a three-seater providing a ground-breaking luggage space. The luggage can be stored under the elastic textile material in the back of the car. The material can hold any type of object under its pressure.
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