Solent rv concept car4

The new vehicle design by Christian Susana is a nice combination of car and a caravan camper. Christian has called it Colim, which might not win many points on looks department, but still is quite useful given the kind of flexibility it offers.

Colim caravan concept provides the advantage of detaching the front part if one does not have a usage for the home part. Design wise it reminds more of geometric shape, which one can say to be a welcome change from the regular designs, but the designer has really explored a possibility using different shapes which may pave way for better shaped cars.

The designer says : “The Colim concept – an acronym meaning ‘colors of life in motion’ – is an intelligent mobility concept which stretches primarily the bridge between caravans, camper, lifestyle and business.

Dubbed a ‘lifestyle motor home’, the cockpit can be disconnected from the usable living space. The livable area is flexible, with individually applicable multi function modules. Designed for two people (max. four persons), the motor home offers the possibility to personalize its four mobile ‘walls’ according to the present life situation of the user. This flexibility is not only limited to the living area, but also features in the cockpit.”

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